Center of Excellence



Biomedical Engineering, Medical Information Systems

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Name: Biomedical & Healthcare Technology

Profile: Center of Excellence (CoE) Telkom University

Head: Ir. Miftadi Sudjai, M,Sc., Ph.D.

Email: [email protected]

Focus Area:

Digital Health, Social and Wellness

Sub Focus Area:

Intelligent Biomedical Engineering,Digital Healthcare System,Psychological Well-being.


Biomedical Instrumentations, Innovative therapeutic design, ICT for Healthcare solutions, Techno-economic analysis of healthcare technology, Social engineering for health promotions, Social & psychological wellbeing engineering


The following is information about the Center of Excellence (CoE) Biomedical & Healthcare Technology Telkom University:

This CoE will focus on research and innovation in biomedical engineering and healthcare technology, emphasizing the socio-economic and psychological wellbeing of patients or communities.

Basic and applied research, as well as innovations in the field will be carried out collaboratively with various stakeholders in the field of Health such as with the Faculty of Medicine & Health of the National University (Academic); NHS Industry, Hospitals, Clinics etc. (Business); Ministry of Health, (Government); and Medical & Health Professional Associations (Society).


Seminar Nasional Biomedical & Healthcare Technology



Basic Training Ultrasonography (USG)


Coming Soon

A Short Course on How to Develop a Telemedicine System


Coming Soon


2nd Yr


Skema: Indonesia-Australia

Fund: AUD 350,000.


Assoc.Prof. Le Chung Tran


Miftadi S

Team Member:

A. Adya P, Asep Suhendi, & Erna Sri Sugesti

Partner:University of Wollongong (UOW) Australia

1st Yr

Funder: KONEKSI-Digital T.

Skema: Kolaboratif Riset Indonesia-Australia

Fund: AUD 395,000.


Husneni Mukhtar

Team Member:

Willy AC, Wahmisari Priharti, Dien Rahmawati, Suto Setiyadi, Heru Syah Putra, Hesty Susanti, & Than Le Hoang


Prof. Son Lam Phung

Partner: University of Wollongong (UOW) Australia

Stakeholder: Dinas Sosial PPGL, F-Keperawatan UNPAD, Rehabilitasi Medik RSHS, IPEGERI

1st Yr

Funder: KONEKSI-Digital T.

Skema: Kolaboratif Riset Indonesia-Australia

Fund: AUD 293,000


Prof. Son Lam Phung


Husneni Mukhtar

Team Member:

Thanh Le Hoang, Willy Anugrah Cahyadi,& Dien Rahmawati

1st Yr

Funder: DRTPM.

Skema: Fundamental

Fund: IDR 110,000,000


Willy Anugrah Cahyadi

Team Member:

Husneni Mukhtar, Dita Puspitasari, & Suto Setiyadi


Funder: Telkom University

Fund : Rp 5.000.000

Year : 2023


Domestic Partner

Girl in a jacket

International Partner

Girl in a jacket


No Name Mapping Competance Major
1 Ir. Miftadi Sudjai, M,Sc., Ph.D. Wireless Communication Networks, Telemedicine Networks & Healthcare Apps, & Techno-economic Analysis & Regulation of HealthTech Telecomunication
2 Prof. Dr. Achmad Rizal Biomedical Instrumentations, Medical Imaging & Image Processing, & Biomedical Signal Processing Electrical Engineering
3 Dr. Eng. Willy Anugrah C., S.T., M.T. Biomedical Instrumentations, Medical Imaging & Image Processing, & Social and Psychological Wellbeing of Ageing society and Disability Electrical Engineering
4 Husneni Mukhtar, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D. Biomedical Instrumentations, Medical Imaging & Image Processing, & Social and Psychological Wellbeing of Ageing society and Disability Electrical Engineering
5 Dr. Hesty Susanti, S.T., M.T. Biomedical Instrumentations, Medical Imaging & Image Processing, & Ultrasound Diagnostics Biomedical Engineering
6 Dita Puspitasari, S.T., B.Sc., M.T. Medical Rehabilitation Engineering & Ultrasound Diagnostics. Biomedical Engineering
7 Suto Setiyadi, S.T.,M.T. Biomedical Instrumentations, Medical Imaging & Image Processing, & Ultrasound Diagnostics Electrical Engineering
7 dr. FENTY ALIA, M.Kes.A3M. National Medicinal Resources (Bio-diversity) Database, National Anthropometry & Genetic Database, and Social & Psychological Wellbeing of Ageing society and Disability Biomedical Engineering
8 Dien Rahmawati, S.Si., M.T. Biomedical Instrumentations, Medical Imaging & Image Processing, & Ultrasound Diagnostics Electrical Engineering
9 Wahmisari Priharti, M.Sc., Ph.D. Biomedical Instrumentations, Medical Imaging & Image Processing, & Ultrasound Diagnostics Electrical Engineering